Unique gay sex positions gifs

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This submissive position allows for easy inspection and handling.īasic posture position. Slave stands straight, legs apart and with hands behind the head. Why? Often used a part of exhibiting a slave for sale, but also used to showcase an owner’s pride in their slave. This one is often called a ”Display” position. You could compare this to the situation when men used to tip their hat when they saw a woman they know or when they took the hat off when they talked to her – thus expressing chivalrous values. In this case, it helps women to feel vulnerable and sexually desirable and also, helps men to feel in charge (by positioning the woman in any position he wants to, to do whatever he feels like). You might have asked yourself why? Is there a reason for those positions? There is.īeing in one and expressing yourself in that way helps to express and reinforce social values and relationships. In the Gorean culture, the slave is referred to as kajira. Follow the link to find the details about BDSM. People who practice Gorean lifestyle – Goreans, promote Master/ slave relationships and usually as 24/7 TPE (total power exchange) relationships. Gorean life (or philosophy) is not exactly BDSM, however, we can say that it is part of the kinky culture. Positions originate from ”Chronicles of Gor”, series of science fiction novels written by John Norman.

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