Gay pride outfits for girls

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So, one doesn't so much 'go to Pride' as one 'does Pride.' Every gay observes it differently, but it really is the one time of the year when all the leather daddies, bull dykes, twinks, alternaqueers, trannies, drag queens, femmes, circuit boys, bois (who are actually girls), and all the other wonderful gay archetypes rub elbows in a giant celebration of living somewhere over the rainbow.

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Much like Mardi Gras in New Orleans, it is a collection of parades, rallies, parties, private events, functions, fundraisers, and bead throwing. There are picnics and fireworks and lots of drinking and it's all about freedom! Pride isn't really one single occurrence.

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If Halloween is Gay Christmas and the Oscars is the Gay Super Bowl, then Pride is Gay Fourth of July. You should come join the party! But first, here are a few things you need to know before joining the fun. If you are a opposite-gender lover you may not know this is Gay Pride Weekend in New York.

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